
Wednesday 24 July

Where Are We At?

We're keen to share the latest developments in our Creative Balance project, a new research initiative exploring mental health and wellbeing improvements for Black people and People of Colour in the Scottish creative industries.

Our Journey So Far:

  1. Steering Group Formation

    • In December 2023, we recruited a diverse Steering Group of 10 professionals from across Scotland.

    • We held three 2-hour meetings with this group, gathering invaluable insights from creative, cultural, and health sector professionals.

  2. Expanding Our Research

    • Recognising the need for more intersectional experiences, we conducted individual case studies to complement our group findings.

  3. Collaboration with Academia

    • We're now fortunate to be collaborating with professionals from two universities to analyse our consolidated research.

  4. Focusing Our Efforts

    • We've identified three main themes from our initial research.

    • We're currently working to narrow these down to one primary focus, which will guide our future efforts on a wider scale.

  5. Building a Support Network

    • We're compiling extensive resources and contacts across Scotland, including organisations, individuals, and charities.

    • Our aim is to create a comprehensive signposting system and foster closer connections within the community.

Next Steps: Whilst we're excited about the three main themes that emerged, we've chosen not to disclose them just yet. We want to ensure we roll out this information properly and with the utmost care. Rest assured, when we do share these themes, they may not surprise you, but they will be presented thoughtfully and comprehensively.

A Heartfelt Thank You: We want to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has assisted, invested in, and supported Creative Balance thus far. Your contributions are invaluable to our mission.

Get in Touch: If you have any questions about the project, please don't hesitate to contact us at

Halina & Matt

For full information on Creative Balance, visit -