Creators’ Fund+
£2000 Grants & Mentorship

UPDATE: This round is now closed

Creators’ Fund+ is a new 1-year pilot programme, supported by The National Lottery through Creative Scotland, will provide 8 Black People and People of Colour (BPoC) creative and cultural professionals living in Scotland with £2000 grants and 20 hours of mentorship from industry professionals to elevate their careers.

Building on the success of the original Creators' Fund which offered £500 microgrants and 5.5 hour mentorships, Creators' Fund+ seeks to inspire a future generation of BPoC creatives in Scotland while starting an important discussion about representation in the country’s creative industries.


  • We Are Here Scotland is committed to challenging the inequalities within Scotland's creative industries. We feel the need to ensure that the developing careers of BPoC (Black People and People of Colour) creative and cultural professionals are supported on a consistent and meaningful basis.

    The fund is a small way in which we can move things forward and maintain a presence in Scotland that we hope can inspire future generations of creative and cultural professionals and also be the start of a much-needed discussion regarding representation in Scotland's creative industries.

    Building on the success of the previous Creators' Fund, Creators' Fund+ seeks to further support and elevate BPoC creative and cultural professionals in Scotland.

    These enhancements were informed by feedback and learnings from the first 3 cohorts of Creators’ Fund recipients. By increasing financial support and mentorship hours Creators' Fund+ aims to provide meaningful career development opportunities for BPoC creative and cultural professionals. Furthermore, the success of previous participants including increased work and commissions, progression of career and increased industry presence indicates that if this is enhanced through Creators’ Fund+ this will further benefit individuals and their communities.

  • Creator’s Fund+ builds upon the success of the original Creators' Fund by increasing the grant amount to £2,000 per awardee and providing 20 hours of mentoring from industry professionals. These enhancements are based on feedback and learnings from the previous cohorts of Creators’ Fund recipients.

  • 8 Black and People of Colour creative and cultural professionals based in Scotland will receive a practical funding opportunity via a £2000 grant which includes 20 hours of mentoring built in from industry professionals with 5+ years experience.

    This breaks down as follows:

    Total grant = £2000
    Amount committed to project development = £1476
    Payment for time being mentored (20 hours x £26.20 per hour for new graduate as per SAU rates) = £524

  • The grant is intended to support the development of creative businesses and can be used for various purposes, including projects, development, materials, studio time, courses, and personal fees related to a specific project.

    If you have questions around eligibility, please email

  • You can apply for the Creators’ Fund+ via an online form HERE

    We also have accessible versions of this call out and the application form available if needed, so please feel free to email us at for any alternative formats of our call out or application form.

    If you would prefer, you can apply using videos (recorded with your phone), audio recordings, or any format which may be accessible to you, you can upload these via the application form or email us via the email address above.

    The deadline to apply is 11.00am, 3 June 2024

  • We ask awardees to spend their funding and complete their project within 8 months to 1 year of the funding being awarded to them.

    Funding cannot be used for social reasons, personal entertainment, or expenses unrelated to your creative practice or project.

    We will check in with Creators’ Fund awardees through conversations with their mentors and a check-in with the awardees at the start, middle and at the end of their project. This will be detailed once awardees have been selected with specific timeframes.

    We will ask awardees to fill out a report and we will also complete a report of the awardees on their plans and progress (at the beginning and end of the funding award), which we will keep for our records. We will provide assistance with this if required.

    The awardees will be provided with a funding agreement and a mentee agreement that they will need to sign ahead of receiving funding that will include the terms and conditions of their funding award.

    Awardees should not be part of an agency or collective, the fund is for individuals. Those receiving accessibility assistance/support are exempt from this.

    Awardees will be matched with a mentor following their selection and a conversation around mentoring needs.

  • Please note that the Creators’ Fund is for individuals who identify as Black or a Person of Colour

    Be aged 18 years old and above

    Be living in Scotland

    Be studying or practicing as an artist or creative in Scotland. E.g. enrolled on a college or university course, informally trained as an artist, with an artist studio, creative/creative professional or sharing/showing their work on a public platform including social media. Please note that you do not have to have your work displayed on a public platform. We would like to see example of your work, please be mindful of this.

  • Applicants will be judged based on criteria such as potential for impact, financial need, and creative merit. The judging panel, consisting of independent industry professionals, will shortlist candidates and select the final 8 awardees.

  • Yes, participants will have the option to take part in an end-of-year Creator’s Fund+ Showcase (taking place 16 November 2024 in Edinburgh) to highlight their work. The showcase is a one-day, in-person event providing a platform for awardees to present their creative endeavours to a wider audience.

  • The expected outcomes include 8 BPoC creative and cultural professionals receiving £2000 in funding, gaining valuable mentoring and industry connections, creating new works, increasing visibility, and contributing to the growth of a more diverse and inclusive cultural landscape within Scotland’s creative industries.

  • We have a database of professionals and we have also put a call out for more. We will then match you with someone that we think will benefit you based on what you have listed as your needs in your application!

  • We are seeking mentors with 5+ professional working years to provide valuable guidance and industry connections to support the career development of the participants.

    This includes people from Black and POC communities and our allies.

    We are looking for mentors to provide 20 hours of mentoring paid at £42 per hours as per SAU rates.

    Please be advised that the initial stage is a note of interest call out, and if this sounds like something you would be interested in getting involved with then please continue to the application form HERE.

    We also have accessible versions of this call out and the application form available if needed, so please feel free to email us at for any alternative formats of our call out or application form.

  • ● 7 May 2024 applications open 

    ● 3 June applications close 

    ● 14 June shortlisting 

    ● 17 June judges issued applications 

    ● 1 July judges finish marking 

    ● 3 July final judging 

    ● 4 July applicants notified 

    ● 15 July applicants submit final paperwork 

    ● 22 July funding issued 

    ● 29 July mentors paired 

    ● Regular check-ins and evaluations over the 12 month period (dates to be confirmed)

    ● 16 November Creators’ Showcase

    ● 1 May final evaluations 

For all questions relating to Creators’ Fund+, please email